May 2020

We don’t know what the future holds, leave the tough questions to us. Right now, we want you to think about the amazing wine headed to your doorstep. Think of this month’s box as a chance to travel the world. From the gorgeous beaches of Croatia to Basque Country, and the Central Coast of sunny California to the heart of the Loire Valley. 
Forget about your Zoom meetings, forget about setting your kid’s math homework on fire. Close your eyes and imagine popping the cork of an exciting new bottle of wine.  
This month we are proud to support Rally for Restaurants. Toast created another restaurant relief plan. It includes ways to engage with a new movement called Rally For Restaurants, which is a directory that makes it easy for patrons to purchase gift cards from their favorite local restaurants. The company also announced it will match up to $250,000 through its website, and they're urging customers to challenge five friends to join in via social media with the hashtag #RallyforRestaurants. Toast is also eliminating software fees for restaurants that use its software.

T H E   W I N E S 

  • Gorrondona Txakoli – This light bodied white goes down way too easily. Think fresh peony, lemon peel  and sea salt. Raise a glass of this on Taco Tuesday!
  • Zlatan Rosé – A new favorite rosé. Light bodied with notes of rainer cherry, white peach, sandcastles. Watch this wine shine with a tower of shellfish. 
  • Cabernet Breton – Medium bodied red...the heart and soul of the box. Raspberry coulis, newly sharpened pencil. Pair this with toasted baguette with melted chèvre.
  • La Cuadrilla – We'll never be worthy. Full bodied red filled with notes of ligonberry, dried oregano, tangy red plum. Try this with penne arrabiatta or zoom calls. 

Zlatan Rosé Sold Out
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